Social Project 6

WARNING: This site is for a school project, the information may have mistakes, and should not be used for proofing and fact-checking. You have been warned!

The topic i picked is The American War of Independence and the arrival of loyalists in Canada

Q: Why did Americans Invade in 1775

A: The americans inaded to try to get Canadiens to join the war on their side, as they were also ruled by the british, and they though that they were also getting the unfair treatment. The Canadiens took it as the troops trying to invade what we now know as Quebec, as they were mostly neutrual.


Q: Why was there a rebellion in the 13 Colonies?

A: The thirteen colonies was upset due to 1. The taxes that they were getting were unfair, 2. That the Quebec Act was passed, and Quebec got Ohio, when they wanted it. They were also frustrated that they were only allowed to trade with the british, as their economic system was mercantilism, which relied on getting things from their colonies and to tax them for imports. This frustration made them begin to rebel


Q: Who were the Loyalists and where did they go?

A: Loyalists were people loyal to the British. After the unfair treatment they got from the Americans during the war, many fled to Canada, more specificly New Brunswick as Canada at the time, was British, as for New Brunswick...


Q: How and why did we get a new colony

A: As many Loyalists in Nova Scotia were unhappy with the cruel treatment during the war, and they wanted their own colony, so the British agreed, divided Nova Scotia into 2 parts and the western one became New Brunswick